At Virtue Recovery Center, we understand that change is difficult, and leaving one’s familiar place can be scary. We know that many people have anxiety about their responsibilities. Therefore, please consider taking care of the necessities the best you can to minimize any added stress.

Before leaving for our drug and alcohol treatment center in Oregon, it is often suggested to take care of responsibilities at home such as:

  • Arrange for pet and childcare.
  • Set up automatic bill payments.
  • Arrange with work or school for a leave of absence.
  • Let someone you trust have availability to passwords for finances and other items you may need or want to check upon.
  • If you feel comfortable- let family or friends know where you are or let someone know you will be away for a while and that you are safe.

Some people may not realize that once admitted to an inpatient treatment center, normal communication is not allowed. The stay will be an intensive concentration on self, not the outside world. However, there are some exceptions, especially when someone entering our drug and alcohol rehab in Astoria has young children.

Many people have had some hesitancy talking to their work about leaving for drug and alcohol rehab. For people who are worrying about employers: The ADA, or the Americans with Disabilities Act, protects employees from employers who may be discriminatory towards them if they seek or have been treated in drug, alcohol, or dual diagnosis treatment programs. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), it allows employees to take up to twelve weeks off work per year for medical necessities, including substance addiction.

Preparing for rehab can increase your chances of short-term comfort and long-term success.

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What to Pack

Staying for a month means packing one suitcase and one toiletry bag. Any more than this can be excessive and not needed as there are laundry facilities on site. Most clothing should be comfortable, with one or two items to attend outside meetings in, and shoes for activities such as walking, hiking, and some light workouts.

Items to be sure to include:

  • ID or Driver’s license
  • Insurance information
  • Past medical records
  • Alarm clock
  • Toiletries (no excessive make-up, perfumes, etc. as some house members may be sensitive)
  • List of current medications
  • List of phone numbers (as you may not be able to use your phone)
  • A few books
  • Ask admissions if you play music would it be appropriate to bring your instrument.
  • A small amount of cash
  • Appropriate clothing (nothing too revealing, nothing with any offensive slogans, nothing with alcohol or drug-related artwork or branding)

Check with Admissions before bringing some items: Electronic devices, nail clippers, razors, cigarettes, chewing tobacco. If you have anxiety about using your communication devices, please address this upfront with your phone and computer usage questions before attending.

Leave any expensive items at home, or if you admit with anything that you feel may need to be kept safe, please speak to the program director or staff to arrange for being on hold while in residence.

Astoria Oregon Weather

In Astoria, the summer months are comfortable and are usually partly cloudy. If you are admitted to Virtue Recovery drug and alcohol rehab in Astoria in the Winter, be sure to take a jacket. The winters can be cold and wet. The average temperature for the area ranges from 39 degrees to 69 degrees and does not commonly get higher than 78. Sweaters, jackets, and layered clothing would be the best to pack. An umbrella and rain gear are also recommended for most of the months in Oregon.

What Happens if You Have Nothing to Pack?

Sometimes people need admittance to drug rehab in Astoria right away and don’t have time to pack or might not have anything. Fortunately, treatment centers realize this and will most likely have some basic clothing and toiletries that may have been donated. There will be opportunities for shopping days, and a staff member can help you get what is needed. Before arrival, let the admittance counselor know what you may need, and they will do their best to assist you.

Contact Us

One of the main challenges with addiction is that it is a progressive disease, and one can’t do it alone. If you or someone you know appears to have an addiction, please reach out for help before it’s too late. The team at Virtue Recovery in Astoria, Oregon, is ready to answer your questions and provide the support you need. Call us to find out more about our programs and services.